We can all iron, right? But have we been doing it the right way? There are so many easy mistakes we can make when you don’t know any different. Here are some ironing tips that can help you iron like the pros! Always use the entire space on ironing board and be sure use of all that space. The thinner edge of your ironing board is very useful. Place your top over the end being careful not to stretch the fabric and iron into the stretch out cervices.
Our next tip is using the correct technique whilst ironing. Yes, there is correct techniques to use when ironing. The best technique is iron in long, straight strokes. Make sure you avoid wiggling the iron around too much because this can cause the fabric to stretch or create new creases in the fabric which will be tough to remove. Hope these tips help you next time you iron, but remember you can always drop in to the REFAP Laundromat and our wonderful staff can take care of your ironing for you!